Horn: One Year Later. ORF Report

Last year, the Lower Austrian town of Horn in the Waldviertel took in 110 refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries. This was preceded by a fierce discussion among the residents, followed by a wave of helpfulness and donations. The citizens' initiative "Welcome to Horn" organized German courses, football training and much more for the refugees who were housed in the "House Helina". One year later, "kreuz und quer" returned to see what became of all the helpfulness from the people of Horn and how the refugees are doing now.
"Austrian for Beginners. Horn, One Year Later."
Report, 35 min
Director: Peter Beringer
Broadcast date: Tuesday, October 18th, 2016, 10:35 p.m., ORF 2, kreuz & quer
Commissioning Editor ORF: Barbara Krenn