Linz (OTS) - In two new TV commercials, Gosser presents itself as both traditional and young at heart, with time-tested values, quality and modern innovation, thus building a bridge between the generations.
For decades, Gösser has stood for brewing tradition, nature and the highest product quality. Gösser Spezial was already served at the banquet for the signing of the Austrian State Treaty in 1955, great moments in our grandparents' generation were toasted with Gösser, our parents enjoyed cold glasses of Gösser together and the younger generation of beer connoisseurs know the quality behind the green label. In addition to the proven quality of Austria's favorite beer, it also stands out through numerous innovations such as the Gösser Natur Radler or the nonalcoholic Gösser Kracherl.
Entitled "Uphill", the campaign brings the typically Austrian theme of the generations close to the heart in an authentic manner, much the way many of us experience it every day: Different generations have different ways of approaching things, but their paths always bring them back together in the end. Thus, the generations can learn from each other, not just the younger generation from the older, but also vice versa.
In the first spot, a father and son are hiking up a mountain together. Here in Austria's most beautiful landscape, they decide to take different paths, one more challenging than the other. However, they meet again at the alpine cabin to enjoy a Gösser together in celebration of what they have each achieved in their own way. These uniting scenes are accompanied by the words: "No matter how different we may be, we still have a lot in common".
In April, the campaign was supplemented by another spot entitled "Woodwork".
The campaign was developed by the Gösser Team in Brau Union Österreich together with their longtime creative partner McCann Erickson, and produced by tausend Rosen.